
Steering Committee

President: Jürgen Müller, Hannover, Germany
Vice-President: Marcelo Santos, UNB, Canada
WG chairs: see below
Representatives of the four Commissions:
IAG Comm. 1: Erricos Pavlis, USA
IAG Comm. 2: Adrian Jäggi, Switzerland
IAG Comm. 3: Federica Migliaccio, Italy
IAG Comm. 4: Suelynn Choy, Australia

Representatives of Services:
IGFS: Sylvain Bonvalot, France
GGOS: Ulrich Schreiber, Germany
Wenbin Shen, China
Gabriel Guimarães, Brazil

Representative of External Bodies

Partly already proposed as members of the WGs. Additional members, e.g., from industry could be A. Bresson (ONERA), S. Seidel (OHB), B. Desruelle (MuQuans) and others.

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